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Webinars Version 03.01.2023

SAI Platform Updates - March Release

With the 03.01.2023 release of SORBA, improvements have been made to several portions of the platform. The Identity Server now provides users with the capability to assign roles with specific permissions to different users. The Task Flow enables users to deploy Over the Air Updates to easily stay up to date with the latest version of SORBA. This release also contains additional IOT Connectors and the new notification node, as well as a variety of visual changes.

This new release will be available on March 1, 2023.



Removed a hardcoded timeout when reading operation limits after session establishment.

Identity Server Edge

Admin, Editor, Viewer, Custom Roles

With the updated Identity Server, users can be defined as various roles, including the default roles of admin, editor, and viewer, each role having certain permissions. You also have the ability to create custom roles that have custom permissions different from the three default roles.

Fine Grained Access Control, Users/Roles

Through assigning different roles to different users you can control what portions of the platform different users have access to within SORBA, including assigning custom permissions through the creation of custom roles.


With the updated Identity Server, you can create multiple tenants within the same instance. Each tenant has separate logins and the admins of each tenant only have control over their own tenant. Users within that tenant can only access and alter the data and models within their specific tenant.

API Registration

On the API tab of the Identity Server, users can view and edit the endpoints for the various API's that make up SORBA. Users can also import new API's using this feature.

Audit Trail

Can use the system events to view all changes made within the Identity Server.

Task Flow

OTA Updates

The Task Flow Releases tab contains over the air updates which allow you to update SORBA to the most recent version.

Custom Code Deployments

The Releases tab within the task flow can be used to deploy custom releases that contain custom code.

Deployment Categories

When releasing deployments, you can add a category to the deployment. This can help with later filtering and sorting.

Deployment Rollout Schedule

When releasing deployments, you can either deploy immediately or you can set a time to deploy. This allows a user to deploy outside of production times.

Deployment Rollout Flow

When releasing deployments, you can add pauses and restarts in between the various steps.

Deployment Live Progress

While a release is deploying, you can go to the deployments tab to see the progress of the deployment.

Deployment Historical Progress

Also from the deployments tab, you can see a history of your past deployments and you can see details of the deployment including if it was succesfull or if there were any errors.

Machine Learning

Data Drift

Adds a measurement of data drift, the change in model input data over time. This can be relevant for triggering retraining.

Target Drift

Adds a measurement of target drift, the change in model output data over time. This can be relevant for triggering retraining.

Concept Drift

Measurement of concept drift, the change in the properties of the dependent variable over time. This can be relevant for triggering retraining.

Enhanced Dashboard

Updates to the training and real time default dashboards.

Distributed Clustering Mode

With this update, you can choose to conduct training using other SORBA instances in order to perform the model training.

Batch Processing

This feature can be used in order to process models in a batch rather than trianing models one at a time.



With this update, a login is now required in order to access the workflows.

NGEN Visual Match

The workflows have had their look updated to better match other portions of the platform.

IOT Unified

Notification Node

A notification node has been added to the Workspace. This node can be used to send emails, text, slack, and teams notifcations.

Scheduled Dashboard Reports

Users now have the ability to created scheduled dashboard reports using the SORBA dashboard designer.

New IOT Connectors

The IOT Connectors have been expanded to included amqp, aws, s3, cosmos, dynamodb, elasticsearch, dfs, http/https, iba hd, influxdb 2.0, kafka, kinesis, mongo, mqtt, neo4j, pi web, redis, redshift, sparkplug sql, and udp.

New Data Processors

Within the IOT Connectors portion of the workspace, you can now use data processors in order to perform calculations on the data as it passes through the IOT Connector. This includes a variety of digital sampling processes and math functions. You can also create custom data processors with this feature.

Alarm Outputs

Alarm outputs can now be sent directly to tags and can also be sent directly to the new notification node.

IOT Unified Tour

Tool tips have been added to various nodes throughout the Workspace in order to help users better navigate the platform.

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