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7 Hours
Skill Level
Number of Lessons

Course and Lesson List

Course Description

What to expect?

This course is designed to guide users in building Unified Namespace (UNS) solutions.

Lesson List

  1. Build UNS Solutions: How To Collect & Visualize Rockwell PLC Data- In this short step-by-step video, watch (SAI) CIO & Principal Architect Aldo Ferrante, demonstrate how to build real-world Unified Namespace (UNS) solutions utilizing the Next Generation (NGEN version 2.0) SAI software platform to connect, collect & visualize real-time Rockwell PLC data.
  2. Automate Your PdM Applications [Part 1]- In this previously recorded webinar, our AI Solution Architect, Logan Kraus, shows you how to automate your PdM Applications using clustering models.
  3. Classifying Failure Modes + Wastewater Demo [Part 2]- This is part 2 of "Automate your PdM Applications" using
  4. Refrigeration APC Demo - Ignition Integration - This video shows how to use SORBA to connect and integrate with Ignition, using the framework of a refrigeration optimization example.
  5. Refrigeration APC- In this previously recorded webinar, Dr Carlos Fernandez-Aballi, demonstrates the process for implementing an ML optimization solution in an industrial refrigeration system
  6. Vibration Waveform Data Demo- Create digital resources using ML to automatically analyze waveform data, predict failure modes, and detect anomalies in mechanical assets in the field.
  7. OPC UA - This video goes over an example of how to set up a channel in order to connect to an OPC server.
  8. SIEMENS - This video goes over an example of how to set up a channel in order to connect to SIEMENS Profinet.
  9. MODBUS - This video goes over an example of how to set up a channel in order to connect to MODBUS.
  10. Script Engine Example 1 - This video goes over examples of script engine functionality.
  11. Script Engine Example 2 - This video goes over examples of script engine functionality.
  12. Script Engine Example 3 - This video goes over examples of script engine functionality.
  13. Script Engine Example 4 - This video goes over examples of script engine functionality.
  14. IOT Connector Example 1 - This video goes over examples of how to create specific IOT Connectors.
  15. IOT Connector Example 2 - This video goes over examples of how to create specific IOT Connectors.
  16. IOT Connector Example 3 - This video goes over examples of how to create specific IOT Connectors.
  17. Custom Data Processors - How to use the script engine to create custom data processors for IOT Connectors.
  18. Custom Source and Destination - [NEW] This video goes over how to use the script engine to create custom sources and destinations for IOT Connectors.
  19. MQTT to REDIS - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  20. REDIS to Influx - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  21. REDIS to AMQP - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  22. REDIS to HTTP - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  23. REDIS to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  24. REDIS to NEO4J - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  25. REDIS to UDP - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  26. REDIS to SQL - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  27. MQTT to HDFS - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  28. REDIS to Dynamo - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  29. REDIS to Kinesis - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  30. MQTT to Cosmos - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  31. Cosmos to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  32. MQTT to Ignition - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  33. Ignition to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  34. MQTT to Kafka - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  35. Kafka to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  36. MQTT to Mongo - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  37. Mongo to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  38. MQTT to OPCUA - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  39. OPCUA to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  40. AMQP to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  41. Dynamo to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  42. HDFS to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  43. HTTP to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  44. Influx to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  45. Kinesis to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  46. UDP to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  47. SQL to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  48. KCF to MQTT - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  49. Influx to Influx - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  50. Influx to Redis - This video shows the configuration for a specific type of IOT connector.
  51. Arithmetics: Absolute Value - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  52. Arithmetics: Ceil and Floor - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  53. Arithmetics: Error Functions - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  54. Arithmetics: Logarithm Functions - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  55. Arithmetics: Division Remainder - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  56. Arithmetics: Exponential Functions - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  57. Arithmetics: Factorial - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  58. Arithmetics: Gamma Function - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  59. Arithmetics: Polynomials and Power Functions - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  60. Arithmetics: Sum - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  61. Filters: Band, Low, and High Pass Filters - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  62. Filters: Differential and Integral - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  63. Filters: Kalman and Pink - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  64. Frequency Domain Transformations - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  65. Preprocessing: Scaling - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  66. Preprocessing: Null Values - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  67. Statistical Functions - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  68. Trigonometric Functions - This video shows how to use a specific data processor.
  69. Office 365 Notification - This video provides an example of how to set up email notifications using Office 365.
  70. AI Anomaly Detection: Setting up an SDE - [NEW] Learn how to set up a SDE (Smart Data Engine) to detect anomalies with your machines.
  71. SORBA Installation - Docker Container - [NEW] Installation instructions when installing SORBA using Docker.
  72. SORBA Installation - Installation Script - [NEW] Installation instructions when installing using the Installation Script
  73. SORBA Installation - Virtual Machine - [NEW] Installation instructions when installing as a virtual machine.

Instructors / Speakers

Aldo Ferrante
Chief Innovative Officer
Logan Kraus
AI Solution Architect
Carlos Fernandez-Aballi, Ph.D
Energy & Fluids Architect

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